Rob Anderson is a comedian best known for his viral recaps of 90's TV shows, as well as his Gay Science series, where he answers serious LGBTQ+ questions like ‘Why can’t gays sit in a chair properly?’ or ‘Why don’t lesbians have electricity in their movies?’ The book version of the series, Gay Science, is now a New York Times Bestseller. He also wrote The Fergamerican National Anthem, a best-selling comedy picture book based on Fergie’s infamous National Anthem performance, and you can see him in Book of Queer (Discovery+).
Anderson performed his comedy show to sold-out audiences with 50 performances across 29 cities in North America and Europe. He has been featured by Paper Magazine, Interview Magazine, ABC News, NBC News, Good Morning America, and was named one of OUT Magazine’s 100 most influential LGBTQ+ people of 2022.